by AnaedoOnline

The Hon. Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, Saturday, 17th November, 2018, paid an official visit to Innoson vehicle manufacturing company (IVM), Nnewi, where he evaluated the world-class facilities and the new automated plant section.

The Minister, who was accompanied by several other government officials was received on arrival by the Chief Executive Officer of the Innoson motors, Dr. Innocent Chukwuma at the company’s facility in Nnewi.

Speaking while inspecting the company’s facilities, the minister described Innoson motors as the only car manufacturing company in Nigeria which, according to him, is capable of growing the country’s economy if given the necessary support.

He said, “I am very impressed. The essence of my visit is to find out what we can do to grow this industry. You will find out that in the world today, technology companies are doing very well. Out of the ten largest companies in the whole world, seven of them are technology companies.

“It is important that we encourage indigenous companies that are innovative and creative, so that our economy can grow stronger and then, we can reduce importation of finished products into the country”.


While expressing the federal government’s readiness to reducing importation of vehicles in no distant time, Onu said, “As far as patronage is concerned, the executive order No. 3 and No. 5 are already in place”.

Onu, who acknowledged that IVM is a dependable brand in manufacturing, promised that government will give its support and will continue to provide the enabling environment for manufacturers such as Innonson to thrive.

He said further, “I intend sending some Chief Executive Officers of our research institutes and agencies to come down and spend time with the company and find areas that government could assist; particularly in the area of innovation.

“Innoson has just shown us new automated line, which helps reduce the time spent on any line of production. I want him to continue in this spirit, and keep innovating”.

In his remarks, the Chief Executive Officer of Innoson motors, Dr. Innocent Chukwuma, commended the minister for his commitment in promoting local content and expressed the company’s desire to work closely with Federal Government.

He said “This factory has provided enough proof that local companies can produce vehicles that can meet global standard which will help in boosting the Nigerian economy and Image”.

He appealed to the Federal Government to assist local manufacturers by formulating policies that would make manufacturing companies in Nigeria to be more productive.


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