Minister Mamman

Buhari’s Cabinet: What I Need To Solve Nigeria’s Power Problem – Minister Mamman

by AnaedoOnline

The newly-appointed Minister of Power, Saleh Mamman, has said the problems being experienced in the sector in the country were surmountable.

Mamman said this while calling for prayers and goodwill from Nigerians to succeed in his new assignment.

He stated this on Wednesday in Abuja during the inauguration reception organized by his committee of friends at the Nigerian Air Force, NAF, Conference Centre.

According to Mamman, “What I need from Nigerians at this time is prayers. I have just been appointed minister of power, so I have nothing much to talk about or say than for Nigerians to pray for me to succeed.”

Also speaking, member representing Jalingo Yorro Zing constituency in the House of Representatives and a member of the committee of friends to the minister, Hon. Bello Kashimu Maigari, said he has no doubt that the new minister of power will deliver on his mandate.


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“Taraba people are especially very happy for this appointment of one of own as minister of power. He is a seasoned politician and has the capacity to deliver on his mandate, especially with regards to the Mambilla power project. All he needs is our support, because there are a lot of issues bedeviling the power sector,” he said.

In his goodwill message, the chairman of the All Progressives Congress in Taraba State, Barrister Ibrahim Tukur El-Suddi, charged the minister to brace up for the challenges he is bound to encounter in the power sector.

El-Suddi stated that the minister has always proven himself in times of challenges.

He said: “The minister is a unifying factor to all the people from Taraba state. We should forget what happened in the past during elections and unite; in order to move Taraba and Nigeria forward. We also need the support of the Taraba State government for our son to succeed in this new challenge. We don’t have any excuse to fail as a people, especially with regards to the problems in the power sector.”

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