200 Level Student Attempts Suicide

by AnaedoOnline

A 200-Level student of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN, who allegedly drank ‘Sniper’ insecticide escaped death.

According to reports, the victim identified as Chinwendu Odoh who is a student of Microbiology hails from Enugu Ezike in Igbo Eze North Local Government Area of the state.

She was, however, rushed to Royal Cross Hospital, Nsukka by Neighbours who noticed she was in pain

READ ALSO: World Suicide Prevention Day: Working Together To Prevent Suicide

Enugu state police spokesman, Superintendent Ebere Amaraizu said operatives of the Nsukka Division of the command were investigating the matter.


“Information from some sympathizers are pointing towards depression over an unresolved issue,” he added.

The victim is, however, recuperating as reasons for the act are still unknown.

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