We Did Not Try And Execute Six(6) Igbo Soldiers - Nigerian Army

We Did Not Try And Execute Six(6) Igbo Soldiers – Nigerian Army

by AnaedoOnline

The Nigerian Army has discredited allegations by a coalition that it conducted secret trials and executed six Igbo soldiers.

A group which identified itself as a coalition of rights activists and scholars on Tuesday made the allegations in a press statement.

Countering the allegations, the Nigerian Army, on its social media handle, tagged it false, fake news and malicious.

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A senior military source, who pleaded anonymity, dismissed the allegation, saying it was impossible for the Nigerian Army to conduct a secret trial of any soldier.


The officer said the army usually set up a general court-martial publicly to try erring soldiers or officers, adding that such court-martial must have a president and other members.

According to the source, the trials are conducted publicly and not in secret.

“There is no iota of truth whatsoever that six soldiers were tried secretly and executed by the Nigerian Army on January 25 as alleged.

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“The promoters of that allegation are the enemies of Nigerian who are trying so hard to instigate tribal or ethnic crisis in the country,” the source was quoted as saying by NAN.

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