SATELLITE CENTRE: Military Security Booster In Ekiti – Fayemi Explains

by AnaedoOnline

Ekiti State Governor, Kayode Fayemi has lauded the military for its plans to establish a Defence Space Communication Satellite Centre in the state.


Fayemi stated this while receiving Chief of Defense Space Administration (DSA), Rear Admiral Williams Kayoda in his office in Ado Ekiti.

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Mr. Olayinka Oyebode, Chief Press Secretary to the governor said in a statement on Friday in Ado Ekiti.


According to him, the governor said the benefits of the initiative to the state were enormous, adding that the state could not afford to miss the opportunity.

Fayemi also revealed that his administration was almost finalizing arrangements with the office of the National Security Adviser and the Office of the Chief of Air Staff to secure end-users certificate for Orbital Drones that were procured to strengthen the security architecture of the state.

He said, “Anyone who has seen the benefit to which institutions like NASA had been put to beyond military utilization will understand the reason why the state must embrace the initiative.

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“If we have an institution that is dedicated to utilizing information from space in order to aid our security and also research and development, there is no better place to have it than Ekiti,” he said in part.


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