
Victor Osimhen Removes Napoli Pictures from Instagram Amidst Controversy

by Ikem Emmanuel

Nigerian forward Victor Osimhen has taken the unusual step of removing all Napoli-related images from his Instagram account in the midst of a controversy with the club. The dispute erupted after Napoli shared a video mocking Osimhen for his penalty miss during a recent game against Bologna.

Osimhen, who has faced a challenging start to the new season, had a penalty miss during Napoli’s goalless draw with Bologna. This was followed by his substitution by manager Rudi Garcia, a decision that visibly frustrated the 24-year-old. However, Osimhen later apologized for his reaction to being subbed off.

The situation escalated when Napoli posted a video on their Instagram account that appeared to mock Osimhen for his penalty miss. In response, Roberto Calendar, Osimhen’s agent, expressed his intent to potentially take legal action against the club, citing “very serious damage to the player” caused by the video.

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Amidst this ongoing controversy, Victor Osimhen made the notable move of deleting all images related to Napoli from his Instagram page. This action seemed to be a direct response to Napoli’s video, further highlighting the strained relationship between the player and the club.


The future of the Super Eagles forward at Napoli remains uncertain, as he has yet to sign a new contract with the club despite ongoing discussions since the conclusion of the 2022/23 season. Osimhen’s decision to remove Napoli-related content from his social media account adds another layer of intrigue to this unfolding saga.

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