Fatima Musa, a repentant Boko Haram member who has undergone deradicalization, expressed deep regret for tearing apart her National Diploma Certificate (NCE) after being misled by extremist ideologies. Fatima, who now resides in Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State, shared her story during a community dialogue in Maiduguri focused on understanding, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. The event was organized by the Allamin Foundation, a community-based NGO, with support from the British Government under UKaid.
Fatima revealed that she and many others were lured into the insurgency at a young age, having been deceived by twisted religious teachings. However, through the deradicalization program provided by the foundation, they gained a clearer understanding of Islam and the peaceful teachings of the Holy Prophet. Reflecting on her past, Fatima expressed her sorrow over her decision to destroy her NCE certificate, a symbol of her previous education, under the false belief that western education was forbidden (Haram).
Her plea for forgiveness extended beyond the community; she longs to reconcile with her father, who resides in a neighboring country, and seek his forgiveness for joining the insurgency against his wishes.
Another deradicalized woman, Bintu, also spoke at the event, urging the community to support and forgive those who have left the insurgency. She highlighted the challenges faced by some repentant members, including stigma and harassment, which sometimes drive them back to the insurgency. Bintu emphasized the need for encouragement and support to help these individuals start afresh and sustain their new lives.
Community leaders in Mafa, including Babagana Butu, leader of the Civilian Joint Task Force, called on the government to enhance the deradicalization and resettlement process. Butu noted that some repentant insurgents have been integrated into their community, even participating in joint patrols and farming. He urged the government to include these individuals in empowerment programs to help them contribute positively to society.
The Executive Director of the Allamin Foundation, Hajiya Hamsatu Allamin, highlighted the importance of the dialogue in addressing the challenges of reintegration and exploring ways to improve the process. A lecture on Islamic rulings related to peace, reconciliation, and peaceful coexistence was also delivered by Sheikh Ali Mustapha, a consultant and peace mediator.
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