You might think you’ve seen the world over, under, around and through, but there will still be wonders that will make your eyes pop.
Even if you’re a dedicated Animals enthusiast, you can’t honestly expect to know all the 1,367,555 non-insect, animal species that are identified on the face of Earth today! Besides, the time you finish reading this text might discover new animal species, so there will always be some new surprises for us out there.
Humans have explored only 5 percent of the oceans, so there probably are many more scary sea creatures lurking in the deep.
1. Markhor Goat
Look at this beautiful spiral design of this wonderful goat. It’s like he’s trying to catch an alien radio signal from space.
2. Emperor tamarin
Check out the fabulous moustache on this one. Looks a bit like an actual emperor or an old, wise man, huh? Guys may be jealous of this wonderful creature Animals .
3. Fluffy cow
This type of cow is very rare, and difficult to believe that it actually exists. It’s covered with a fluffy skin.
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4. Red-lipped Batfish
This is a creature that has the features of both a bat and a fish. It also seems as if someone did a job with a red lipstick on this creature. Ladies will love to have this type of lip permanently. Guys shouldn’t attempt kissing this red-lipped fish. Lol
5. The Pacu Fish
Pack Fish is a fish that has a human-like teeth. Fishermen often fear that this fish will tear off their testicle while swimming in water.
6. Thorny Dragon
Colored in camouflaging shades of desert browns, this lizard has a “false” head, which he presents to his predators by dipping the real one.
7. Mangalitsa Pig, a.k.a. ’a pig in sheep’s clothing’
This creature is as simples as its name. A pig in sheep’s clothing.
This is a bonus.
8. Cloud Antelope
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