Former President Donald Trump is nearing a second term in the White House. As of early Wednesday, Trump sits just four electoral votes short of the 270 required to secure the presidency, with major news outlets such as Fox News calling the race in his favor.
Based on preliminary counts from CNN, Fox News, NBC, ABC, and CBS, Trump has accumulated 266 electoral votes across a sweep of states, including several critical battlegrounds like Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. These three states, two of which had supported the Democrats in the last election, helped push Trump’s tally into winning range, while Vice President Kamala Harris lags behind with 195 electoral votes. Harris has captured key Democratic strongholds such as California, New York, and the nation’s capital, Washington, but has yet to close the gap.
Here’s a breakdown of the electoral landscape based on current projections:
**Trump’s Projected Electoral Votes (266)**
– *States Won*: Alabama (9), Arkansas (6), Florida (30), Georgia (16), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Iowa (6), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (4), Nebraska (4 – split), North Carolina (16), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (40), Utah (6), West Virginia (4), Wyoming (3)
**Harris’ Projected Electoral Votes (195)**
– *States Won*: California (54), Colorado (10), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), District of Columbia (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (19), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), Nebraska (1 – split), New Mexico (5), New York (28), Oregon (8), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Virginia (13), Washington (12)
As the count continues in a few remaining states, Trump needs only a minimal bump to achieve an outright victory. Meanwhile, Harris’ path to victory has narrowed considerably, with limited options to bridge the electoral gap.
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