How old do you think is the world? If you ever wonder how old this earth is, there are two dominant suggestions.
Some claim the world is about 6000 years old, while others conclude that it is much older, as old as 4 billion years.
Age is something that a lot of people are obsessed about, people attached respect and value to people and things based on the age they have accumulated. Hence, it explains why people have always desire to know the ages of things, natural and man-made: how old is that man, that elephant, the pyramids, the car, the painting etcetera. But people rarely asked how old the earth is.
In folklores elders often refer to the age of the world in vague expressions, like in the olden days, or “in the beginning.” But there are men who dared to asked and even calculate the age of the world.
One of such men who dared to calculate the age of the earth was James Ussher. He lived about 500 years ago, he was a Christian and an Archbishop in Ireland.
He claimed the world was created in 4004 BC, exactly 6000 years from today. In fact, he claimed the world was created on October 22, 4004 BC, and at around 6 pm! So, if you are born on October 22, you share a birthday date with mother earth.
Archbishop Ussher did not arrive at that date superficially or through guesswork, he is a scholar who painstakingly engaged in very thorough research to reach that conclusion.
The logic for reaching that conclusion is simple: by calculating the genealogy in the book of Genesis Archbishop Ussher claims that Abraham lived about 2000 years after creation, from Abraham’s time to when Jesus was born in 4BC it was another 2000 years, and from Jesus birth to date (2020) is 2024 years; Summing this together gives the age of the world at 6024 years!
Archbishop James Ussher
Similar research by another churchman who lived also about 500 years ago, John Lightfoot, concluded that the world was created in 3,929BC only 71 years different from what Archbishop Ussher submitted.
In fact, even Isaac Newton, the father of modern science, did his calculations and submitted that the world was created in 4000BC.
Churchmen, using biblical chronology from Adam to Jesus were able to calculate and establish that the world is between 5900 and 6000 years old.
This was what was believed for hundreds of years until evolutionists appeared on the scene.
Evolutionists believed the world was not created by God, in fact, they believe there is no God. Since there is no God, and he did not create the world, the Bible cannot be true, the creation story must be nothing but falsehood and Archbishop Ussher’s dating of the world, including Lightfoot’s and Newton’s must be false and wrong.
After Darwin’s theory, scientists and evolutionists began suggesting alternative date of birth for mother earth to suit their theories.
Dendrochronology is the science of counting of tree rings to determine its age
The science today claim the world is about 4.54 billion years old: during this time, monkeys were able to change into humans, dinosaur into ostrich and dove.
Science did not arrive at this estimation by mere guesswork, it was researched. And research had shown that it was not a scientist that disagreed with Archbishop Assher and the Church but nature itself. ”If nature disagrees with scripture, the scripture must necessarily be wrong!” according to
Through dendrochronology or counting of tree rings, and carbon dating science established that the world is much more older than the 6000 years early church men claimed.
There are rocks that have been dated to be older than 3.5 billion years, and these rocks can be found in all the continents of the world. 3.5 billion minus 6000 years, that is over 3.4 billion years older than the world God created in Genesis.
Some of you who have watched the Jurassic Park movie series and assumed that dinosaurs featured were nothing but creatures from fiery tales, you are mistaken science is claiming these animals existed hundreds of millions of years ago and are millions of years older than the animals Noah saved in his arch, they are even older than Noah, Adam, and even the earth.
Africans, especially Muslims and Christians, like to take pride in the claim that humankind begins in Africa, they fail to understand that the humankind referred to as are the ape-like ancestors of man as claimed by Evolutions; they existed millions of years before God created this world. For example, the fossil remains of an ancient child called Lucy is dated to about 3.2 million years.
The reconstruction of Lucy, the remains of the oldest ancestor of modern man dated to 3.2 million years ago
One thing is obvious from the above discussion, the accurate age of the world is depended on whatever ideology seems to be the most authoritative at a particular point in time, during Archbishop Ussher’s time up until about 200 years ago, Christianity is the dominant force in Europe and as such, what they say is the truth becomes the truth, sacred truth.
They say God created the world in 4000BC and so it was, no one dare argues otherwise, all research works most compliments. The same is true of science, it is the reigning ideology today, it is considered very true whatever conclusion science reached today; science had submitted that the world is over 4 billion years, you will be a fool if you disagree.
The World has no birth certificate, its age, therefore, is subject to debate. As religious people, it is advisable not to commit to either of the accounts; the phrase “in the beginning” answered all.
It has no time frame, it could fit into 6000 years as well as 4 billion, it can also mean 10 million or any other number of years. It is therefore of little significance to belief; celebrate the earth at all times and not only on her birthday which is uncertain, treat mother earth tenderly for she is an aged mother needing care and not abused.
But less, I discourage you, in your opinion, how old do you this world is?
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