For a few days, there have been an ongoing compering and debate between Micheal Scofield who is the Main character of Prison Break and Professor who is also the Main character of Money Heist.
Both movies describe more about escape plans in their different perspectives and the both characters have display smartness.
Analyzing a little from prison break, Michael Scofield escaped from two prisons, FOX RIVER and SONNER PRISON within the season 1 to season 3.
READ ALSO: Top 10 Facts About Prison Break That Will Trigger Your Mind
analyzing from money heist, professor draws two plans of robbery, the first one was successful while the second plan is still ongoing.
Since we saw the level of brilliance and intelligence Scofield posses, the professor has been making us think he is not the only mastermind when it comes to drawing escape plans
However, anaylises and preview from movie experts have continue to generate conversations. Everyone has their own choice when it comes to both parties having almost a similar fan base.
Now this is the argument.
Who Will You Choose To Help You Escape If You Need To?
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