Lucifer means the “morning star” which indicates he was an epitome of brightness/beauty. Lucifer wasn’t an archangel like many presume, there is no record in the Torah, or Bible, or Koran that attributed archangel to the Lucifer, a lot of people say he was an archangel because they believe archangels are the highest rank of angels that there is, but that also is not true, the seven archangels mentioned in the book of Enoch Lucifer was not among. Though angels are in ranks and orders.
Then who was Lucifer, he was an anointed Cherub as indicated in the Torah and Holy Bible book of (Ezekiel 28 vs 14).
Does that make him powerful yes, why? Because, he was a cherubim, not just any cherubim but a cherubim that covers. What are Cherubims, these are angelic beings that attend to God, they have no business with man (unlike the arcangels that also minister to man) these creatures minister to God continually in worship and priestly duties, they do not live the glory of God. Where ever the glory goes they go. They walk before the throne and see the secrets of God. Cherubim are one of the highest class of angels just below the Seraphims (burning ones) they are among God’s oldest creations. Do angels have will, yes, some do, because if they had no will, Lucifer couldn’t had sinned.
Then why was he cast out of heaven, everything God made is in two folds, for instance, the absence of light is darkness, which means God does not need to create darkness, so if light is not in effect, darkness takes effect effortlessly. God is good, the absence of good is evil, if something is not good definitely is bad.
Also, there is the spiritual world where God and his angels reside, and there is the physical world. So as God exists as Good there is an opposition reaction to that effect, which is evil. As God exists as the light there is an opposite reaction to that effect which is darkness, Newton’s third law “every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” Lucifer who was in heaven in the presence of God was influenced by the opposite force, why? because of his desires, what desires? sovereignty.
The account of creation in Genesis 1:1, is very clear that the earth was created before Genesis 1:2, what happened. God made the earth when heaven was made, Lucifer wanted earth because it was beautiful, he desired the earth to be his kingdom but God never gave him that chance, he convinced other angels to see earth as their kingdom, he wanted rulership.
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So when the force of evil has taken full control of his heart, he wanted a revolt, but God commanded the Archangel Michael and his angels to bring them all down, before the force of evil spread towards the whole heaven. Lucifer and his cohorts became under the influence of that force. Then the force of evil conquered the physical realm, made the earth God created chaos, and instilled darkness, using Satan and his angels as tools to destroy the already created world.
So when God made the earth (Gen 1 vs 3)
He said let there be light, you can’t call what wasn’t there before to be. If you study very intensely during the 7 days of creation, something’s where called to be while others where made (they never existed before). God put man In charge of this new world and ask him to replenish, not plenish, you can’t replenish what wasn’t plenish before. Have you ever wondered why they said dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
Satan never liked seeing man in charge of what he always wanted. That’s why he caused man to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, knowing the force of evil would always contradict good in a man’s heart.
Now, this is why people sin, they sin not because the devil told them to, but because in everyman two forces are fighting to gain control Good and Evil, and the one you obey most rules your mind, every sin is premeditated. You can’t do anything bad without first thinking about it or weigh.
It’s action and consequences but yet you still do them anyway, why? Is not the devil it’s you, you made the choice to. That’s why every man must give an account before God.
All images used here are an illustration.
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