It was said that when some things stay too long, it will become a tradition. In Nigeria, there are some actions or activities that are going on that seem to be a normal daily activity which is considered to be perilous or strange to other countries.
In this article, I will share with you five things, if you are in Nigeria you can verify them
1. A man standing in a moving bus.
It’s very common to see a man stand by the right side of a moving bus they are called “conductors”. They spend the whole day on a moving bus and scream for passengers.
These guys actually mastered this art. I have never heard of someone falling out of the fast-moving vehicle. And that is very common in Lagos and some other cities in Nigeria. Virtually every commercial bus has a “conductor”.
2. Money spraying
Money spraying in an event is like normal stuff that goes ON and ON, from weddings to birthdays to musical performances. Most non-Nigerians actually criticize this act because there is no point in doing it, but Nigerians actually spray money to show appreciation for a particular achievement or person.
It has become part of Nigerian culture and is very, very popular. It was said that it started from the south-eastern part of Nigeria, So if you are ever at a Nigerian wedding or event, don’t be shocked to see something like this
3. Quiet women at work
In a hospital for example, I have seen a few cases of women at work who are completely calm and seemingly not in pain. Yes, this is common among the “Fulani” in Nigeria.
In Fulani culture, young women are trained to remain calm in pain. So if you see a Fulani woman who appears to be injured or in labor but shows no signs of pain such as screaming, please do not hesitate to help as she is actually in pain.
4. Electricity outage.
See In Nigeria If the light goes off and comes back in the next 30 minutes or 1 Hour it is considered to be stable some will say the NEPA is trying so much,
so when the lights go out. We are like “Oh, they took the light” and continue our daily activities NO BIG DEAL, unlike in some places in the world its called blackouts and it’s considered as an emergency.
UP NEPA !!! But don’t be surprised if you see this reaction in humans when the electricity is restored.
5. Law Makers Fighting at plenary
”Now who are these people? Well, I can shamefully tell you that these are our politicians in Nigeria.”
Yes, this shameful act has become so widespread that most Nigerians have stopped responding and even consider it normal to see this act in the Assembly House..
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