It was very surprising that a human being will have the mind to sleep in a bank’s toilet, He told the court that he entered the bank around 4.00 pm during banking hours and locked himself in the toilet.
“At night, I went to the bulk room of the bank where I saw money; I took N340,000 and kept it in my pocket.
“I had a lighter with me when I was trying to exit the bank, the lighter attracted the security guards so I ran back to the toilet and locked myself up again,” Ayomikun said.
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The defendant added that when he eventually came out of the toilet, the security guards searched him and recovered the sum of N340,000 from him.
This boy has been doing this every time, knowing fully well that is not good.
In another story How Old Do You Think This World Is?
How old do you think is the world? If you ever wonder how old this earth is, there are two dominant suggestions.
Some claim the world is about 6000 years old, while others conclude that it is much older, as old as 4 billion years.
Age is something that a lot of people are obsessed about, people attached respect and value to people and things based on the age they have accumulated. Hence, it explains why people have always desire to know the ages of things, natural and man-made: how old is that man, that elephant, the pyramids, the car, the painting etcetera. But people rarely asked how old the earth is.
In folklores elders often refer to the age of the world in vague expressions, like in the olden days, or “in the beginning.” But there are men who dared to asked and even calculate the age of the world.
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