When I was growing up, as I used to hear about Bush baby. We were told that it is such a weird and strange creature.
What got the most what that it was said to always cry like a baby. This always happens far deep into the night. The night, they say, is dark, and full of terrors.
Bush baby feeds on humans, especially baby humans. Every night, it goes out looking for careless humans to devour and feast on them.
It will interest you to know that Bush baby always disappears at night. This makes it so hard for it to be caught.
When you find yourself alone in a thick bush, always be on the look out for a baby’s cries. That could be the popular Bush baby lurking around. It’s voice is soft and tender, making it easier to lure her preys to her.
I have not seen a Bush baby, but I hope to see it someday in a zoo.