A remarkable tale unfolds in the hinterlands of Abia State – the incredible journey of Nkechi Rosalind Colewell, a British nurse turned devoted Igbo caregiver. This narrative is a celebration of her selfless service, compassion, and profound impact on the lives of the mentally ill in Uzuakoli.
The Serendipitous Encounter: A Tap on the Back in London Three weeks ago, an ordinary day in London turned extraordinary for Uche Anyanwagu when he encountered an elderly lady in a wheelchair. Little did he know that this chance meeting would lead to the discovery of an unsung hero, Nkechi Colewell.
A Transcontinental Connection: From the UK to Abia Village Hailing from the UK, Nkechi Colewell devoted over 35 years of her life in Abia State, championing the well-being of the often marginalized. Uche Anyanwagu, taken aback by the twist of fate that intertwined their lives, shared his astonishment. Recounting the moment when an elderly lady tapped him after a church service in London, he was met with the question, “I bụ onye Igbo?” (Are you Igbo?). Perplexed, he affirmed, leading to a revelation of her profound connection to Igbo culture and her impactful work in Abia for over three decades. As she shared her story, Uche couldn’t believe he was in the presence of Nkechi Rosalind Colwell, a true unsung angel
A Life of Service: The Genesis in Uzuakoli Nkechi’s journey began as a young nurse in Uzuakoli, where she served in the Leper Colony. Witnessing the lack of care for the mentally ill, she couldn’t stand idly by. She established a Home for the Mentally Ill at Amaudo, Itumbauzo, traversing Abia State to rescue and rehabilitate those society had forgotten.
White Woman Seen Dancing to the Rhythm of Igbo Traditional Music
A Sister to the Igbo People: Nkechi’s Dedication Her fluency in the Igbo language, chieftaincy title, and knighthood by the Methodist Church speak volumes about Nkechi’s assimilation into Igbo culture. Her commitment to the mental health cause earned her the love and respect of the community.
A Sacrificial Return: The Unfortunate Stroke NKECHI COLEWELL faced a health crisis herself, suffering a massive stroke attack in Itumbauzo. Despite her desire to stay, she had to return to the UK due to the challenges of healthcare in her adopted homeland.
Recognition and Gratitude: A Call for Appreciation In a nation where national honors often elude those who truly deserve them, Nkechi Colewell stands as a symbol of selfless service. Uche Anyanwagu expressed his gratitude to Nkechi, recognizing her as a rare breed, a righteous soul among the nations.
Nkechi Colewell’s story deserves to be etched in the annals of Igbo history. As we celebrate this Caucasian-turned-Igbo nurse, let us reflect on the impact one individual can have when driven by love, compassion, and a sense of duty to humanity.
Thank you, Ms. Nkechi Colewell, for your unwavering service and dedication to the people of Abia. Your story is a testament to the transcendent power of kindness and the profound impact one individual can have on a community.