Since prison break is one of the movies that started trending in the early year of 2007, however, the movie was acted between 2005 to 2017
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, there is no way that you‘ve never heard or seen an episode from Prison Break. The very much anticipated Season5 is almost over, but there are some facts that you didn’t know about this amazing series.
In this article, we will talk about some facts about the prison break
1. Banned in prisons
Prison Break was banned in 13 prisons around the globe because it has been considered educational programming.
2. Michael’s tattoos
It took 4.5 hours to apply the fake tattoo design to Michael’s body. Now imagine how long they were filming, considering the hours spent applying the fake tattoo.

3. Inspired by reality
Stacy Keach, who played Warden Henry Pope, prepared himself for this role by spending six months in a British prison, in which he was even jailed many years ago because of cocaine possession.

4. The origin of the character’s names
The characters of the show are named after US Presidents. ‘T-Bag” Bagwell is named after Theodore Roosevelt, and Lincoln Burrows is named after Abraham Lincoln. The main character, Michael Scofield, is named after Edward Scofield, and Benjamin Miles, “C-Note” Franklin is named after Benjamin Franklin.
5. Consistency
Prison Break filmed the whole 1st Season inside the same prison, unlike most other shows only gave a panning shot from the outside before skipping to a set.
READ ALSO: Top 7 Greatest Prison Break In History, No 1 Made 200 Prisoners Escape
6. Sara Tancredi should have been dead by the end of the Season 1
Sara’s death was supposed to happen in the 1st season finale, due to a fatal drug overdose. However, the actress’s popularity among the Prison Break’s fans helped her to continue be part of the show.

7. Sara is killed in Season 3 because she was pregnant
Sara lived up to Season 3, when she was killed because she was pregnant. Once again, the actress’s popularity among Prison Break’s fans got her back in Season 4.
8. Police troubles
The characters of the show were already familiar with the police before the series started. Only two of the main characters that participated in the show have never been arrested: Veronica Donovan (Robin Tunney) and Sofia Lugo (Danay Garcia).
The other 15 characters have been arrested before.
9. Prison’s name
In the series, the prison is called Fox River. On the other hand, the prison’s real name is The Joliet Correctional Centre, located in Joliet, Illinois. Besides this, “Fox River” is actually a real river, that runs through Western Chicagoland, near Joliet.
10.T-Bag’s hair
Robert Knepper (T-Bag), states that he based the hairstyle of his character on his old science teacher, because he always had a “poofy-bit” that stuck up at the front.
11.Benjamin Miles “C-Note”
Benjamin Miles “C-Note” Franklin (Rockmond Dunbar) was only supposed to appear in only two episodes, but he was bumped up to a regular.
12. Mysterious toilet
In Michael’s toilet from his cell, the prison break series showed something that cannot be true. This toilet doesn’t have any pipes, which makes it impossible for waste to exit the cell, or water to enter. In reality, this toilet could never be used and Michael couldn’t use it to escape.
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