There are 1.75 million species of animals in the world, excluding insects. Scientists also keep discovering new species of animals every year. It is very hard to make a close study of all species of animals. So a large number of animals becomes very strange to us.
Followings are 9 most strange looking animals in the world.
9. Saiga Antelope

This flexible and inflatable nose helps saiga antelope to get fresh air in different climate conditions.It grown up to a height of 80cm and having weight up to 50 kg. Saiga antelope usually form herd having members up to 40 and graze i grasslands. During summer it makes long distance migration, can see thousands of saiga antelope together at that time.
8. Japanese Spider Crab

Japanese spider crab have longest leg span in group of arthropod in animal kingdom, named after the spider like appearance. Their legs reach up to a length of 3.8 meters and having weight up to kilograms. This large marine crab lives southern coasts of Japan, usually found within depth of 2000 feet.
Male spider crabs have longer chelipeds than female crabs. Unlike other crabs the pleopods of Japanese spider crabs are in unusually twisted form. They eat both plants and small animals, also like to have dead animal parts.
7. Narwhal

Narwhals have length up to 6.1 meters and weighing between 1.5 to 1.8 ton. They travel in group that having members up to 20 whales. Narwhals feed on small fishes, shrimps, and squids.
READ ALSO: 7 Most Famous Extinct Species That May Come Back To Earth (Photos)
6. Shoebill

The height of showbills ranges between 45 to 52 inches, having weight up to 6 kilogram. Shoebills never files more than a distance of 300 meters. They only have flapping rate of 150 flaps per minutes, much slower than other birds.
5. Aye-aye

The claws on their fingers help them to easily travel from branches to branches. In fact they never come down to ground, like to sped their life within the tree branches. Aye-aye used their long fingers to catching wood boring insect larvae. They also like to have other fruits and plant leaves. Humans kill them on sight as they have strange and scary appearance, in that way population cut down by every year.
4. Blobfish

They life in depth of 1200 meter in coast of Australia and Tasmania, where pressure much higher than that of sea level. Blobfish remain stationary within deep sea, open and close moth repeatedly to catch preys. Mollusks, crabs and lobsters and main food of blobfish.
3. Indian Purple Frog

The rounded toes of purple frog perfectly suit for movement in ground. As termites becomes their primary source of food purple frogs moves to underground up to 14 feet in depth. They also like to spend most time in underground, coming to surface only for breeding, during monsoon season.
2. Red-lipped Batfish

When red-lipped bat fishes become mature, a shiny lure projected from their head. It helps them to attract preys like mollusks and shrimps. Unfortunately, they can’t swim like other fishes, they used to walk on sea floor using the fins.
1. Goblin Shark

They life in a depth of 1300 meter in the ocean. Goblin sharks have parabolic shaped mouth, nail like teeth are arranged in different raw within its mouth. Dragonfish, isopods, rattails, and decapods are become main food of goblin sharks.
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