King Solomon is considered the wisest man ever in the world, according to Bible, 1 Kings 3:1-15 “he ask God for wisdom God gave him and added Wealth for him” Although, many also envy him; some for his wisdom while others specifically men, for his 300 wives and 700 concubines.
However, most people now, in the light of king Solomon ‘s wisdom, doubt the story of many wives and concubines. Many wonders how on earth was he able to manage and satisfy all those ladies sexually, and even if he did, was he able to maintain the satisfaction throughout their life? Or did he made them wives by making love with them once in a life time? Is it even wise for one to have 300 wives and still eat outside marriage? Now it is next to impossible to fully satisfy 5 Akamba ladies.
Indeed, he satisfied them, and we are not even in a position to question the decision made by the wisest man or what is written in the holy book. Maybe also, in those times marrying 100s of wives was a wise deed, but now it is even considered a sin by Christians.
Back in time, King Solomon ‘s time, Viagra was not yet invented. To prolong sex or to cure sexual dysfunctions, natural herbs were used. The commonly used herbs for making a superman those days was Mondia whitei (Mugombero). It is still common in some parts of the world including the King’s birth place, Jerusalem.
Mondia Whitei is a perennial woody climber tree, belonging to Apocynaceae family. It has got a tuberous rootstock that has a ginger-like taste with vanilla aroma. It contains vitamins A, D, K and E with Magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, and protein minerals. It is mainly found in wet forests.
Mondia whitei roots are consumed raw or the powder from grinded roots is used to make flavoured tea and sometimes even add in food as a supplement. It is used to cure sexual dysfunction, cure insomnia, purification of blood, reduce stress and anorexia.
Country, where mugombero is consumed as a basic commodity, it is said that their erected “cassava” is too huge to fit into extra-large produced condom by manufacturer. In 2019, the health minister from the country complained that there is no condoms of their size in the global market. Requesting manufacturer to consider there the size of his tall dark and handsome countrymen while manufacturing.
In Kenya, Western Kenya to be specific, Children are always introduced to Mugombero at a tender age. This is said to be behind outstanding performance between the sheets by the men in the region.
Mondia whitei peddled today in the streets across the globe still maintains some wonderful effects; It improves the blood circulation to the genital, giving “cassava” a strong erection and also enrich it with nutrients necessary for enlargement.
However, the king’s Mugonbero was of another level, it might have come in a strong concentration or probably he used his wisdom to find his way into the garden of Eden where he harvested his. This gave him an upper hand when it comes to women’s satisfaction.
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