The body of a megamouth shark, which washed up on the shores of Marigondon, Philippines, earlier this week, is only further proof of the terrors in our oceans.
Fishermen spotted the shark, which was missing its tail. They suspect it may have died after being caught in a fishing net. Megamouth sharks are notoriously large; this particular specimen was 16 feet long.
The megamouth shark is one of the rarest sharks in the world. There have only been 63 confirmed sightings in recorded history.
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Despite their fearsome appearence, megamouth sharks are not dangerous to humans. They are actually gentle animals. They are known as filter feeders, meaning they filter water through their many rows of teeth for plankton to serve as food.
Scientists believe that megamouth sharks are mostly deep ocean dwellers. They have also been known to ascend to shallower depths during the night.
I’m glad to learn that they don’t hunt humans. They still look pretty terrifying. I’m not going anywhere near the water after seeing this shark.
In another story How The World Will Look Like If Humans No Longer Exist (Photos)
The diversity of life on Earth is so numerous and beautiful, also the ecosystems ensures that various animals and plants are able to survive in their given habitats.
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From the rainforest to the woodlands, and up to the desert you will find various speciesof plants and animals thriving there.
Yet this precious beauty is at the mercies of the world most dangerous animal, the humans!.
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