Kingsley Moghalu

Nigeria will be lucky to have Moghalu as president

by AnaedoOnline

Emeka Anyaoku, former secretary-general of Commonwealth , has reportedly endorsed Kingsley Moghalu, a presidential aspirant in the 2019 elections.

According to Chukwuka Obi, a writer, Anyaoku said Nigeria “will be lucky” to have Moghalu as its president.

Obi said the elder statesman made the comment during their interaction on a Nigeria-bound flight, on Monday.

A former deputy governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Moghalu is seeking to unseat President Muhammadu Buhari under the platform of the Young Progressive Party (YPP).

Writing via his Twitter handle, Obi also quoted Anyaoku as saying the current political tempo in Nigeria is worse than that of 2015.


He wrote: “Dr Emeka says this political clime is worse than 2015. I asked who he thinks among the aspirants can actually birth the Nigeria that heads in the direction we all want; after thinking for about 30 seconds he said & I quote: We’d be lucky to have Kingsley Moghalu.

Insecurity: Anyaoku Sends Strong Message To Buhari, NASS(Opens in a new browser tab)

“He refuses to stop believing in Nigeria. In 2015 he actually was convinced like Soyinka that Buhari had changed.

“He told me 2 stories (one happened in 1984 & the other in 2016) that actually made me have some new respect for Buhari. I still think he’s a total failure though.”

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