How The Final of The Afia-olu Unity Cup Was Played (Photos) 

by AnaedoOnline

How The Final of The Afia-olu Unity Cup Was Played (Photos)

The Afia-olu Unity Cup which was played in honour of His Royal Highness Igwe K.O.N Orizu (Igwe Nnewi) ended yesterday being the 29th of August, 2019.

The final match was played between Otolo and Uruagu at the Ifeanyi Ubah International Stadium.

The match kicked off at 5 pm with fans from different quarters of Nnewi supporting either side to emerge winner.


The match was officiated by Igwe Jonathan as referee and pastor Ogbonna Sunday, Rev. Chibuzor Ogai and Kosy Nwabude as assistant referees.

Twenty minutes into the first half, Ifeanyi Ofondu passed the ball to Otolo team’s striker Okpala Chidera who beat the Uruagu team’s left full-back Taiwo Moses and fired a shot into the net to give Otolo the lead.

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Otolo pressed on with more attack but was denied a 2nd goal by the bar after the Otolo team’s striker chipped the Uruagu goalkeeper, Obi Ebuka in the 30th minute of the first half.

At half time, Uruagu team coach, Nnamdi Nwosu urged the boys to stay focused, drawing out strategies for a comeback goal conceded in the 1st half.

At the start of the 2nd half, Uruagu were looking stronger, seeking to equalise but missed a lot of chances to level the scores.


At the 59th minute, the Otolo team’s striker and goal scorer was substituted and replaced by Chimezie Chukwujekwu (Striker).

Possession was being shared equally with both sides pressing, until the 69th minute when Ebuka Dennis ( left full back) gave a perfect pass to Chimezie Chukwujekwu who dribbled past the Uruagu team defender sent the ball passed the goalkeeper to make it 2-0.


Uruagu team responded in the 76th minute with a wonderful strike from Nwa Mali to make the scores 2-1. The scores remain at 2-1 till the final whistle.

The President General, Nzuko-ora Nnewi, Ugochukwu Udemezue (Ifeneti Nnewi) and Chairman Afia Olu Nnewi Festival 2019, Hon. Prince Moses Obi commended the efforts from all four teams.


The President General gifted the four teams with a check on behalf of Nzuko-ora and Afia Olu Nnewi Festival, saying ” All teams are winners, and nobody in Nnewi comes last, so the check will be handed over to the President of Nnewi youth, to be shared amongst the four teams in a brave manner.”

First place trophy was handed to Otolo team as winners of the tournament, second place trophy to Uruagu, third place trophy to Nnewichi.

The President General Nzuko-ora appreciated Mr. Afam Kings Dozie who donated the trophies to support the tournament.

All the teams embraced one another showing unity, love, and true spirit of sportsmanship to bring the tournament to an end.

More photos below:


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