World Eri Festival: Rojenny To Host African Americans On Visit To Ala Igbo

by AnaedoOnline

In bid to know the history of Igbo race, a total of 25 African Americans from various parts of America who have traced their Origin to the Igbo race will visit Rojenny Tourist & Games, Oba when they arrive to participate in the World Eri Festival scheduled to hold at the palace of His Majesty, Eze Chukwuemeka Eri of Eri Kingdom in Enugwu Aguleri, Anambra State this weekend.

According to the Eze Eri Kingdom, the African Americans who have traced their origin to the Igbo race following DNA test are expected to participate in the Festival during which they will fully identify with Eri the father of the Igbo race by visiting Aganabo Ezu n’ Omambala River confluence where Eri who is said to have migrated from Israel settled on arrival to Africa.

The festival is precisely holding on Nov 8-10, 2019 at the palace of the Eze Eri known as Iduu Obu Gad.

Speaking on the visit to Rojenny which is expected to hold on Sunday Nov 10, the Proprietor/CEO of Rojenny Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka who expressed happiness that the Africans Americans were able to trace their origin, said that everything needed to give the visitors a befitting reception and make them feel at home is ready noting that Rojenny was built 40 years for such purpose.

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“First of all, let me expressed the joy in my heart over the decision of these African Americans who deemed it right enough to trace their origin. I want to assure them that Anambra is safe and secure.

At Rojenny we are ready because this is why I built Rojenny. Everything needed to give them a great holiday experience like chilled air-conditioned rooms, steady power supply, tight security, good food, and assorted drinks and facilities like swimming pool, tennis court if they feel like to play tennis, basketball court, amusement park and many more things they will like to see, experience and take back to America.

The Ogilisi Igbo who is the Chairman of the festival planning committee, described World Eri Festival as an event full of tourism potentials that needed to be unleashed to the world adding that the Agbanabo Ezu n’ Omambala where Eri the progenitor of the Igbo race settled on arrival to Africa suppose to serve as a pilgrimage centre in Igboland.

“People visit Israel on pilgrimage but we have a pilgrimage center with us here. Every Igbo person everywhere in the world should come the Aganabo Ezu n’ Omambala for pilgrimage purpose instead of going to Israel”

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