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NCS Enugu Command Seeks Cooperation With Nigeria Police

by AnaedoOnline

The Nigerian Correctional Service (NCS), Enugu State Command says it will continue to build a robust cooperation with the Nigeria Police to create efficient policing in Enugu State.


Image result for Nigerian Correctional Service

The Controller of Corrections in Enugu State, Mr Joseph Emelue, said this while receiving the new state’s Commissioner of Police, Mr Mohammed Aliyu, during a courtesy call to the NCS Enugu State Command headquarters.

Emelue said that NCS Enugu State Command had continued to work with various commissioners of police in the state, adding; “It is time to take the cooperation to a higher level’’.


He said, “Without close collaboration and understanding; we cannot run an efficient policing system in the state.

“I believe that the coming of Aliyu will ensure we achieve the envisaged robust cooperation between the Nigeria Police Command in Enugu State and NSC Enugu State Command’’.

The controller thanked the police for assisting the NSC in conveying the inmates to court as well as other joint exercises by both commands.

“It is my prayers that the Almighty God will protect the new commissioner and uplift him higher,’’ he said.

Earlier, Aliyu said that it was his tradition to personally pay a courtesy call and familiarise himself with institutions and organisations close to the police.

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According to him, as sister security agencies, we need to put heads together and achieve better working understanding in the state.


The commissioner said, “The whole aim is for us to cooperate in executing our work.

“We also seek greater synergy among ourselves to make our cooperation seamless’’.

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