UPDATE: Police Put Off Attack On Station In Ebonyi

by AnaedoOnline

Police in Ebonyi state, on Tuesday, repelled another attack by gunmen on another police station in the state. One of the assailants was allegedly killed in a shootout with the police.


ANAEDOONLINE reliably gathered that one of the gallant police officers, who repelled the attack, was injured and rushed to a hospital for treatment. The incident happened at Ugbodo Police station in the Ebonyi Local Government Area of the state.

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A top security source in the state, who spoke to ANAEDOONLINE correspondent, said the gunmen launched the attack around 2 am on Tuesday. “But they met stiff resistance from the policemen at the station. In the ensuing battle, a Police officer sustained an injury while the gunmen later retreated with some of them being hit by the bullets from the Police.


“In the morning, the police went on a search of the bushes in the area and discovered the corpse of one of the gunmen,” the source said.

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It was learned that a gallon of petrol was also found near the dead gunman, which was believed was to be used to set the station ablaze. Efforts to speak to Commissioner of Police, Aliyu Garba, and the spokesperson, Loveth Odah, were not successful at the time of this report.


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