2021 Awka Anglican Diocesan Synod: Archbishop Ibezim Urges Christians To Pray For Nigeria

by AnaedoOnline

It was a gathering of Anglican faithful as the 2021 Awka synod held from Friday May 7 to Sunday, May 9, 2021, at the St. Michael’s All Angel’s Anglican Church, Nawfia in Njikoka local government area Anambra State was a huge success

Eze Nawfia Graces The Ongoing Nawfia 2021 Synod Of The Anglican Diocese Of Awka

The event with the theme, “Expanding Our Ministerial Coast”, drawn from Luke 5 1-13 was ex-rayed and harnessed during the synod.

The Archbishop Ecclesiastical Province of the Niger and Bishop of Awka Diocese, Most Rev. Alexander Ibezim speaking to newsmen in an interview after the event described it as a very successful synod.

According to Ibezim, ‘Before the synod, a lot of preparations, consultations, and prayers and personal sacrifice were made and God honoured both the community and the entire Anglican faith.


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“Our prayer is that the impact of this synod will radiate throughout Anambra state and the entire church of God. When God gives you an extra day, it should be used to serve him and expand the kingdom of God. Be a change agent where ever you find yourself.

‘The team of the synod which is “Expanding the kingdom of God, Implications for the clergy and the laity’ Luke 5:1-13 were peter made his bout available for Jesus to use, was the scriptural reading. Ibezim who emphasized on the need for synergy between the laity and the clergy stated that where there is division, people cannot make progress. We need teaching in the church for the people to do the right thing. Many people have perished for lack of knowledge.  The Archbishop said

Speaking on the upcoming Anambra governorship election, Ibezim said ‘Our greatest prayer is for God to choose the best candidate as the next Governor of Anambra state. As a spiritual father, they are all my children. We pray that God will sort them out. He knows how to sort them out. Our greatest duty as the church is to continue to pray.

Mrs. Ibezin in an interview with newsmen thanked God for the success recorded stating that all the effort invested was not in vain. The massage is for us to go out and win more souls. ‘We have been charged to expand the kingdom of God through preaching the gospel. God has promised that he will not leave or forsake us. As we obey his command.

Archbishop of Enugu Provence Most Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Chukwuma who could not hide his joy expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the event.  ‘The church still has the duty to spread the gospel to all corners of the world. Chukwuma told reporters.

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The Arch-deacon of Mbakwu Venerable Nehemiah Ike Uguagu describes this year’s synod as unique and that he is highly impressed. We have known Nawfia as pacesetters. He said

Uguagu recalled that in 2009, Nawfia transformed the face of the synod of Awka diocese, stating that it was a very great success then. They have been moving at that pace till now.

He congratulated Archbishop Ibesim and his wife Mrs Chioma Martha Ibezim for their prayers and support which energizes the church. He prayed God to bless the host community and the entire Anglican church.


In his words “This year’s theme “Expending our ministerial coast’ is very timely. God has given us a mandate through our Lord Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all the nations. In Luke 5, the church urge all Christians to cast our nets. trusting God that we will have a wonderful catch” Venerable Nehemiah Ike Uguagu

Venerable Clement Nnegbemena Clarical Senior Secretary Anglican Diocese of Awka in an interview Anaedoonline.ng said this is the 35th synod that has been held in Awka said from records soo far, this is the best synod since 1987. Isiah 54: 1-8

“The synod is the highest legislative matting of the church where old laws are reviewed and news once is made. The is accessesment of the church for the last one year are made’


Ben Olisa-Nwaafor Deputy Chancellor Awka diocese in an interview with Anaedoonline.ng commended the host community and the entire Awka diocese. “With all of us being determined to be used by God, we will advance the kingdom of God on earth.

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