Hours After Abduction Of Schoolchildren, Niger Governor Travels Abroad

by AnaedoOnline

Abubakar Sani Bello, Niger State Governor, has traveled out of the country. On Monday, This was confirmed in a statement by, chief press secretary to Bello, Mary Noel-Berje.

This development comes less than 24 hours after bandits abducted some schoolchildren from Salihu Tanko Islamic School in Rafi LGA of Niger state

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She stated that the governor assured the state of the rescue and safe return of the students.

She added that the governor is expected back in the country “within the shortest period.”


“Governor Sani Bello also assured all Nigerlites that Government will continue to do all it can to protect the lives and property of its citizens while guaranteeing the continued peace and stability of the state,” she said.

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“While assuring the parents of the abducted children of their safe return as the security agencies have been directed to do all it can to bring back the children as soon as possible, the Governor also urged the citizens to cooperate and share intelligence and information that will help in the quick rescue of the children.”

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