Some Politicians Who Are Supposed to Face Court Charges Are in High Political Space - Soyinka

Some Politicians Who Are Supposed to Face Court Charges Are in High Political Space – Soyinka

by Victor Ndubuisi

Prof. Wole Soyinka, a Nobel laureate, has denounced the high degree of impunity in Nigeria, pointing out that notable characters in the country’s political scene are people who ought to be on trial for various counts of corruption.

The 89-year-old Nigerian dramatist, novelist, poet, and essayist stressed in an interview with Noble Nigeria that in order for Nigeria to advance, the Constitution needs to be revised to address these and other problems endangering the stability of the country.

In response to a question concerning remedies for the contemporary socio-political, socio-cultural, and economic issues, Soyinka said that in order to guarantee peaceful coexistence, Nigerians must unite and write a new constitution.

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He said: “First thing if we got to cure the culture of impunity, there are people in high positions today, in the legislative houses that are holding key positions in the committees of the legislative houses who are supposed to be on trial.


“Even the judiciary which comes under criticism as well; even the judiciary is often hampered by the technicalities which are used to postpone the day of judgement. This is a fact and that gives these criminals the opportunity to aspire and to obtain high positions of protection or immunity from prosecution and so we have a backlog of reckoning.

“Those who are supposed to be going to court on serious charges that have been levelled against them by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), they are dominating the political scene.”

He insisted that “we got to find a way of dealing with them critically and rigorously.”


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