One Year Not Enough to Condemn Tinubu’s Administration - Bode George

One Year Not Enough to Condemn Tinubu’s Administration – Bode George

by Victor Ndubuisi

Former PDP National Deputy Chairman Chief Bode George argues that it is unfair to blame Bola Tinubu’s administration for all of the nation’s problems, emphasising that it is too soon for Nigerians to pass judgement on him after only a year in office.

During his speech to the country on Thursday in Lagos, headlined “My Thoughts on The State of Our Country in the Last 25 Years: A Time to Chart A New Direction,” George revealed this.

The PDP leader claimed that only after the president had held office for a longer period of time could a fair evaluation of the current administration’s performance be conducted.

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George said that it was incorrect to see the current state of affairs via a political lens, noting that the difficulties confronting the country were far beyond the confines of partisan politics.


In his words, “This is not the time for political actors to be subjective in their thinking and actions because the challenges before us are far beyond the confines of partisan politics.

“They (politicians)are now blaming the Bola Tinubu administration which hasn’t spent about one year in office. Government administration is not a hundred-meter dash race”.

George further added that, “We will advise and condemn so that in a year’s time, we can assess the methodology and performance of the government. Pitiably, some Nigerians have resorted to a blame game,”he lamented.


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