Have you imagined messing things up on a first date with that Igbo guy you’ve fallen for or aiming at winning for yourself? Certainly, you won’t forgive yourself easily because the experience won’t be a pleasant one. So it’d be important to know these five things to discuss with an Igbo guy on the first date.
Being on a first date with a good-looking educated, wealthy gentle Igbo man can be such an exciting and overwhelming experience for most ladies. Most ladies can become over-excited, and nervous and begin to mess things up. The key is to relax, enjoy yourself, and not talk too much.
His Interests
How do you feel when someone who has a crush on you shows interest in getting to know you better? It’s a great feeling to be able to talk about things you love, and the same goes for guys. If you’re on a first date with an Igbo man, it’s important to give him the chance to speak about himself and his interests.
He may think you’re self-centered if you dominate the conversation with issues about yourself. Of course, it’s important to talk about yourself too, but make sure you’re listening to your man as much as you’re talking. This will make him feel special and flattered. Even if you don’t have shared interests, asking about his leisure time is a great way to start a conversation.
“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” This is a topic that would interest many Igbo men – food! You can ask him about his favorite types of cuisine and take note of his answers for follow-up questions. You can also ask him if he knows how to cook and what the weirdest thing he has ever eaten is. You may also share your own stories about food.
To make things more exciting, you can even challenge each other to try something new and plan to go out together to try it. Alternatively, you can ask him for the recipe for something he likes, cook it for him, and surprise him!
It’s one thing to know the above tips, but it’s another thing to know how to apply them effectively. The key to success is good manners. Rich and educated Igbo men are not attracted to bad manners, and they are more likely to be irritated by them. If you want to impress such a man, you must show that you are thoughtful, polite, and caring. Otherwise, you’ll never make a good impression on a sophisticated Igbo man.
In conclusion, don’t forget to compliment him on his dressing sense. This works best if it’s genuine. Ask him about a particular item he’s wearing, such as where he got it from and the details about it. Show genuine interest in what he has to say. He’ll be thrilled to find someone interested in what he’s wearing.
Your Childhood
You don’t always have to ask him questions. Instead, share a funny story from your childhood that can make both of you laugh. This way, he is likely to respond with his own funny story, and the conversation will keep going. Additionally, talk about your childhood experiences and if he’s of a similar age, he may relate to them and become more comfortable talking to you. Lastly, ask about his family and make sure to tell him about yours too.
His Dreams
Ask him about his ultimate dreams if you want to look deep into his soul. Ask some personal questions like what ambition he has nursed from his childhood. What would he do if money was not an issue? Questions of this kind can help him open up to you and let you know him better. Also, never be critical or judgmental. That will only manage to make him nervous.
Asking him about his dreams will help you not to show superiority over him no matter your educational or family success, try to never prove to an Igbo man that he is inferior. An average Igbo guy has a very large ego to the point of pomposity. Never tell him that another guy speaks better, dresses better than him, or is a better gentleman than him. He is the King of his jungle and treats him like one.
His ambitions
Economics plays a significant role in all of our lives. Our source of income is an essential part of who we are. We spend at least nine hours a day, most days of our lives, either working or doing our business. Therefore, understanding someone’s occupation is crucial.
When you ask someone about their job, don’t just stop at the surface level. Dig deeper and ask more questions. For example, you could inquire about the nature of their work, the time they go to work, what a typical day at work looks like, what they enjoy most about their job, and so on.
These types of conversations can show your intellectual abilities and pique their interest in you. It’s also essential to ask if there’s anything they dislike about their job to keep the conversation flowing. As they respond, try to find common ground by sharing information about your job, the things you do at work, the challenges you face, and more.
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