Joke Silva And Pete Edochie Differ Over Feminism Debate

Joke Silva And Pete Edochie Differ Over Feminism Debate

by Victor Ndubuisi

Joke Silva, a veteran Nollywood actress, and her colleague Pete Edochie have spat over the contentious issue of feminism, according to

This arose after the actress responded to a remark made by the 75-year-old veteran actor.

It should be remembered that Edochie blamed feminism for the rising frequency of domestic violence in most African households and marriages.

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“Black folks aren’t recognized for their feminism.” Our ladies are no longer capable of cooking. Women who are unable to cook are not permitted to use the term “woman.” Feminism is also to blame for women being beaten up in relationships. He had added, “You complain to a woman, and she retaliates.”


During a virtual session organized by the actor’s friends and colleagues, the ace actress informed Edochie that such a comment would make one question if he grew up with violent parents or was himself abusive.

The actress, on the other hand, praised Edochie for clarifying “A comment like that makes us wonder what feminism is and what gender-based violence is. “Because both were mentioned in that phrase,” she explained.

In its most basic form, feminism implies “being treated equally,” “treating each individual equally,” “treating each gender equally,” and “treating a man and a woman equally.”

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According to Joke, feminism to her, entailed creating an equal society where men and women are given the same treatment. The actress also cited the biblical story of the adulterous woman who was brought to Jesus for condemnation.

The film star described Jesus as “one of the greatest feminists”, claiming that his handling of the matter was in support of feminism.

“If we look at Christ, for instance, I always say one of the greatest feminists is Christ and I’ll cite examples from the Bible. The first one is the woman caught indulging in adultery,” she added.


“According to Jewish law, that woman should have been stoned but Jesus said let anyone who hasn’t committed a sin be the first to throw a stone at her. This is because it takes a man and a woman to commit adultery, the woman didn’t do that alone.”


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