Thousands Converge As Kwankwaso Commissions NNPP Secretariat In Lagos

Thousands Converge As Kwankwaso Commissions NNPP Secretariat In Lagos

by Victor Ndubuisi

Sen. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, a former governor of Kano State and the NNPP’s 2023 presidential contender, invaded Lagos State on Wednesday to further his political aspirations.

According to, Kwankwaso intentionally attacked the Center of Excellence and marketing hub city yesterday in order to install the party’s state chapter secretariat.

At the NNPP Secretariat, which sits near the Fadeyi Bus Stop on Ikorodu Road in Lagos, thousands of supporters reportedly cheered the presidential candidate.

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The NNPP flags and posters were being raised by the red-clad party members, who were also seen wearing party caps. Before dispersing, the mob, which included supporters of the Kwankwasiyya movement, is alleged to have blocked Ikorodu Road’s free flow of traffic for a few hours.


Kwankwaso promised the enthusiastic crowd that their interests would be protected as he inaugurated the secretariat. The presidential contender asked them to uphold peace and order before, during, and after the polls as he expressed happiness at the degree of their acceptance.

Richard Benson, the NNPP’s publicity secretary, said during his remarks at the ceremony that the rapidly expanding party has been receiving a large number of defectors from the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

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The opening of the NNPP secretariat in the state, according to Benson, signifies yet another fresh start in Lagos State politics.

He said: “The huge crowd still gathered even though we informed our members not to come en mass so as not to cause unnecessary traffic gridlock here on the major highway.

“Despite this, the crowd affected the traffic. This is a signal that NNPP is on the ground in Lagos

“We are here to contest elections in 2023 and win and as it stands today, Sen. Rabiu Kwankwaso will become the next President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria come 2023.


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“Our structures are all over the country and we are going out to win,” the party chieftain noted. understands that the event had in attendance members of the Kwankwasai group, party chieftains and candidates for the 2023 elections.



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