NPC Reveals Those Who Will Be Issued Birth Certificates

NPC Reveals Those Who Will Be Issued Birth Certificates

by Victor Ndubuisi

People above the age of 18 will not be granted birth certificates, according to the National Population Commission, or NPC.

Act 1992, Birth and Death, is what NPC State Director for Oyo State, Mr. Akin Oyetunde, informed the newsmen on Tuesday in Ibadan.

According to NPC, birth certificates won’t be given to anybody who are older than 18.

Act 1992, Birth and Death, according to NPC State Director for Oyo State, Mr. Akin Oyetunde, revealed as much on Tuesday in Ibadan.

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He said, “The NPC is guided by an Act propagated in 1992, so any child born before 1992 will not be issued a birth certificate.

“Instead of a birth certificate, people born before 1992 and those over 18 years old will be given an Attestation of Birth.

“However, those below 18 years old will be issued birth certificates by the commission.”

The Oyo State director added that all local governments in the state have birth and death registration centres.

He explained that “every local government has its own birth and death registration centres. No local government has less than three registration centres.

“The certificates issued at the centres are the same everywhere and acceptable wherever they’re tendered.”

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Oyetunde stated that everything was prepared for the National Population and Housing Census, which was originally scheduled for 2023 but was postponed.

He said, “We are prepared and only need the federal government to give the go-ahead. All materials for the exercise have been distributed to local governments.

“All those who are to take part in the census have been trained; all is set to hit the ground running.”



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