UPDATE: Religion Won’t Split Nigeria - SP, Akpabio To Muslim Senators

UPDATE: Religion Won’t Split Nigeria – SP, Akpabio To Muslim Senators

by Victor Ndubuisi

Despite the fact that senators from different religions make up the upper house of parliament, Godswill Akpabio, the president of the Senate, has stated that religion cannot divide Nigeria or the chamber.

Speaking on Monday night at Iftar (the breaking of the fast) in Abuja, where he was hosting his Muslim colleagues and a few other Christians, Akpabio stated that there is only one God.

“Religion cannot divide us,” he declared. The timing of the recurrence of the Muslim Ramadan and Christian Lenten seasons was not accidental, the author emphasises, pointing out that it demonstrates that despite the differences in their respective faiths, Muslims and Christians share a same deity—the Supreme God.

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The Senate President emphasised to his fellow senators that they were sent to this planet “for a purpose and that purpose is to live in peace with one another, love one another, pray together, work for one another to ensure progress for humanity.”


“I want to congratulate all of us for breaking fast today and thank Almighty Allah for keeping us alive to see this day and pray that He will continue to protect us and continue to look after our health, look after our families through this Ramadan period and also use this opportunity to congratulate you on the Easter celebration.

“It is not a coincidence that God is merging the fasting of the Muslims and that of Christians. This is about the second or third time it is happening.

“The intention is to show that we may have different religions, but we have only one God and that God is the Supreme God that looks after all of us.

UPDATE: Akpabio React Over Move To Remove Him As Senate President

“So to the glory of God, the invitation was for those of us who are still around. Those who have not yet gone to Saudi Arabia particularly for these last 10 days of Ramadan, that we should meet and break the fast together.

“And of course, we also invited the Christian Senators to come. For them, it’s a celebration of the Easter period. Coming together is all that we need. We need to continue to work together as brothers and sisters of the one Almighty God, for the benefit of our dear country. Religion cannot divide us.

“No matter the turmoil, no matter the political disagreement, even families do disagree. But we must bear one thing in mind, that we are serving humanity and we are serving humanity through Almighty God and that one day, we shall leave this world to go and account for our deeds while we are on earth. I think that is the guiding principle,” he further explained.


Responding on behalf of other Senators present, the Deputy Senate President, Jibrin Barau, thanked Akpabio for inviting them to have Iftar with him, saying it was a demonstration of the care that he has for all lawmakers in the country.

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“This invitation has reinforced what we know about you. There is an adage in the Hausa language that says: Inviting you to come is more delicious than the food.


“So when we heard about the invitation, we were very happy that you have us in mind and that you are very caring. So, we thank you very much,” he said.


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