Never Accept to Carry Luggage Without Knowing Its Content - NDLEA Advices Travellers

Never Accept to Carry Luggage Without Knowing Its Content – NDLEA Advices Travellers

by Victor Ndubuisi

Travellers have been cautioned by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) not to accept luggage from strangers unless they know what’s inside.

Femi Babafemi, the agency’s director of advocacy and media, sent out this warning on Sunday using his X Twitter.

Babafemi revealed that two students, one of whom was a PhD candidate, had difficulties after codeine syrup bottles were discovered in the luggage they were transporting on behalf of a female friend who was studying overseas.

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In his words, “A PhD student and another student studying abroad got into custody because bottles of codeine syrup were found in the luggage they picked for their female friend abroad.


“They’d have been jail if NDLEA Nigeria had not worked hard to ensure the owner was put on the next flight home.

“Reason why we warn you not to take any luggage you don’t know its content from anyone.”


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