Yul Edochie, a Nollywood actor, has been mocked online after responding to media personality Amanda Chisom, who volunteered to be his third wife.
Amanda Chisom proclaimed her desire to be Yul Edochie’s third wife if he required one after the turmoil surrounding his second marriage to his colleague Judy Austin.
According to Amanda Chisom, it is Biblical for five or seven women to cling to one guy, but most people ignore the bible text.
Yul Edochie, on the other hand, scoffed at the idea of marrying a third wife in a post on his Instagram page on Sunday, May 1st, 2022.
“Look what I discovered,” he wrote in the caption. “I have my own oo,” says the narrator.
@charming_ebony wrote: “If you no get respect and shame for urself, at least for ur children esp ur grown daughter who just limited her comment section. Don’t u care what dy will be passing through?
@diamond_ify1 wrote: “See how u made yourself a subject of Caricature.”
@queen_esther_wealth wrote: “Stop disrespecting your first wife… Oga rest.”
@dora_la_hott wrote: “I find all this drama as an insult to ur original wife enough is enough.”
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