The Kogi State Police Command has confirmed the arrest of Police Inspector Aminu Mohammed, over series of robberies at residences near his duty post at ‘C’ Division in Lokoja, the state capital. The arrest followed the activities of a notorious gang specialized in house robberies, stealing household items and cars.
The incident came to light on Sunday, with the Kogi State Police Public Relations Officer, SP William Aya, providing details to journalists on Tuesday. According to SP Aya, luck ran out for the officer due to the vigilance of those familiar with the stolen vehicle, which was identified at a workshop. The car in question was found at the workshop of a panel beater named Arome Moses in Ochadamu near Anyigba, in the Eastern part of the state.
The vehicle, initially reported stolen from its owner’s house on June 14, 2024, had undergone modifications, including a change of color and plate number, now displaying an Abuja registration. Inspector Mohammed had presented a backdated car dealer’s receipt from 2020 as evidence of his purchase. However, the car had already been primed for a color change when it was spotted, leading to an alarm being raised by those who recognized it.
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Upon receiving the alarm, the Quick Response Unit attached to the Police Area Command acted swiftly, apprehending the panel beater. During the investigation, one of the gang members, already on the police’s wanted list for other crimes, confessed to the robbery. He revealed that the police officer was the mastermind behind the operation, specifically contracting them to steal the car.
The arrest of Inspector Aminu Mohammed and the confessions from the gang member mark a significant breakthrough in the fight against corruption and crime within the police force. The case continues to unfold as the Kogi State Police Command pursues justice for the victims.