In the wake of a devastating boat accident claiming the lives of Nollywood actor Junior Pope and three crew members, the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has taken swift action. The guild announced the suspension of all film productions involving riverine areas and boat rides indefinitely. This decision comes in response to the tragic incident that occurred on the set of ‘The Other Side of Life’, produced by Adamma Luke, where the accident took place on Anam River in Anambra.
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Emeka Rollas, the National President of AGN, declared Thursday a “No Shoot Day” for all Nollywood filmmakers, honoring the memory of those lost in the accident. He also announced the suspension of ‘The Other Side of Life’ indefinitely, urging actors to refrain from working with Adamma Luke as a producer until further notice.
The AGN is deeply saddened by the loss and expressed condolences, stating, “May their souls rest in peace.” As efforts continue to recover the bodies of the remaining persons involved in the tragic incident, the guild emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety measures on film sets, particularly those involving water scenes.