Francis Ogbonnaya

Giving positions to Buhari’s brothers creates imbalance –Francis Ogbonnaya

by AnaedoOnline

An Igbo leader and senior legal practitioner, Francis Ogbonnaya, who practised law for 32 years in France before returning to Nigeria, says Buhari should appoint new intelligence chiefs across Nigeria, in this interview with EDWARD NNACHI

What is your reaction to the appointment of all heads of intelligence agencies in Nigeria from the North?

 I will not say it’s racist, but I will say its segregation at work. How can a nation of more than 200 million people like Nigeria, have all the heads of service chiefs concentrated in one tribe? It’s anachronism. It’s not normal that everything should come from one region, because we are talking of a federal system. As a man, who had served big nations, I feel that appointment of service chiefs should not be concentrated in one particular region because we practise federalism.

Is such a situation healthy as we approach an election year?

The situation is insane and that’s why I feel that it has to be sanitised so that a lasting solution could be found at the state and federal levels. I have always wondered if those around the President are doing their job. Or does it mean the President isn’t just the listening type? Because I don’t know why he acts the way he had always done since he assumed the leadership of this country in 2015, when it comes to the running of this country. This is a very unfair situation that will not give the masses confidence in an election. I just would wish that the President should caution himself.

Do you think there should be a reshuffle of the security council of the federal government?


Automatically, I say yes because in any country where the security system is vested in the hands of one group, not only that there will be chaos, there will no longer be a democracy but total dictatorship. From my own point of understanding about the Nigerian constitution as amended, there’s a big separation between the executive, legislature and judiciary. Why is it that today, the three arms are concentrated in the hands of one person? Mr. President should do something about the current status-quo, because it isn’t working and Nigerians are badly affected.

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How do you think President Buhari should spread the appointment of his service chiefs to ensure balance?

Personally, I feel sharing of these appointments should be equitable. This is because now that the President has given out these positions to his own brothers, he has automatically created an imbalance in the system. We have to create a balanced Nigeria, considering the fact that we have six geopolitical regions in this country, where nobody should feel being cheated. It’s only with this that peace and harmony can be ensured. This is my only message to President Buhari.

Why do you think the current structure could affect the impartiality of the intelligence agents during the forthcoming polls?

I read Law and Political Science in Europe, and I feel and believe in political balanced equation. I know that it’s not politically obtainable, almost anywhere in the world, but I feel we can make it possible, to have this balance through human good faith. We need to unite ourselves to make sure that we are one. This balance becomes very necessary in order to balance the nation politically and otherwise.

Source: Punchng

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