Details Of Meeting B/W Air Peace Boss Onyema, And Reps Emerge, Reps Takes Action To Reward Him

-I did not give a damn, I never did, because I know that I will not go to heaven with any dime,” he said.

The Chairman of the Air Peace, Allen Onyema at the House of Representatives revealed that he paid a high price for airlifting Nigerians from South Africa.

The business tycoon made the revelations while addressing the House on Wednesday.

Onyema revealed that he just got landing right to South Africa before the xenophobic crisis, but “damned the consequences.”

“I did not do it spontaneously nor did I do it for publicity, I had to mortgage my landing right in south Africa, because I just got the landing right before the crisis.

“I did not give a damn, I never did, because I know that I will not go to heaven with any dime,” he said.

He also commended President Muhammadu Buhari for acting maturely in the face of provocation, also commended the Nigerian High Commissioner to South Africa.

“I commend the President and commander in Chief, Muhammadu Buhari for the mature way he handled the issue of xenophobia in South Africa. In the face of very annoying provocation, our president showed maturity.

“I would not have been able to do this if the federal government did not allow me or assemble those people for me to evacuate,” he said

READ ALSO: Reps Meet With Air Peace Chairman, Onyema

A motion was subsequently moved by AbulRasak Namdas (APC, Adamawa) that Mr. Onyema should be honored with a higher national award and that members should make Air Peace their favorite airline.

The Speaker, therefore, directed the clerk of the House to immediately transmit the resolution of the House to the President.

The letter to be conferred on him be transmitted to the President immediately.

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