Onitsha Fire Disaster: Govt Discloses Where Documentation Of Victims Will Hold

The documentation of victims of Onitsha tanker fire incident will no longer hold in the government house, Awka as earlier announced by the state commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Mr. C Don Adinuba.

Mr. Emeka Ozumba, the Deputy Chief Press Secretary to Governor Willie Obiano stated this in a press release made available to newsmen in Awka.

Ozumba said that in a communique issued after a meeting between government officials and executive members of the Ochanja market union on Friday, October 18, 2019 at the Governor’s lodge, Amawbia, the State government accepted that as part of the modalities to help affected traders, documentation would be done in the shops of the affected traders.

It said, “Government’s decision to move the documentation exercise to the market, came after diligent consultations with executives of the market union and other stakeholders.

“Consequently, the public and all concerned persons are hereby notified that the exercise earlier announced to hold on Monday, October 21 at Ekwueme Square, Awka, will NOT HOLD as scheduled.

“The government has however set up a 10 man committee consisting of five members of the state executive council and five members of the Ochanja central market union executives.

READ ALSO: Onitsha Inferno: Nwodo Laments Absence Of Fire Fighters, Works Ministry

“The committee will visit the market and interface directly with all persons affected by the inferno to evaluate damages, identify actual victims and advise government with regard to compensations and other necessary actions.

“The committee will announce a date for the visit as soon as possible.”

Meanwhile, Governor Obiano donated a fire engine to Ochanja central market and ordered the creation and/or repair of access roads in the market.

He said that the state government is deeply saddened by the fire disaster and regrets the loss of lives and property.

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