Okada Ban: The Decision Won’t Be Reversed – Governor Sanwo-Olu

Jide Sanwo Olu

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu has said there shall be ‘no going back’ on his administration’s decision to ban motorcycles aka Okada and Keke NAPEPs in the state.

Sanwo-Olu said this while speaking at the formal launch of LAGFERRY operations, mobile app, and commissioning of 14 commercial boats at Badore Ferry Terminal, Ajah on Tuesday, February 4th.

In his words;

“Let me tell you about the ban which we just enforced. We will sustain the ban on Okadas and tricycles, mainly because of security and safety reasons. The security and safety of citizens is paramount to any government. As a responsible government, we will not fold our arms and allow any security breach in the state.

READ ALSO: Okada/Keke Ban: No Second Term For Sanwo-Olu – Lagos Riders

“We will continue to ensure the safety of our people on all fronts. There have been reports of serious security breaches and safety concerns in areas where these operators ply. We had to respond to these concerns because of life and safety matters to this government”.

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