You’re Worse Than Jonathan Resign Humbly Now – Northern Youths Tell Buhari

The Coalition of Concerned Northern Youths, CCNY, has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to honourably resign as Nigeria’s President, adding that he has failed woefully.
The Coalition, in a statement signed by its National Convener, Muhammed Ishaq and made available to newsmen on Wednesday, cited the President’s lack of the will power to tackle the security challenges facing the country.
This call by the youths Coalition followed a similar call by the Ango Abdullahi-led Northern Elders Forum, NEF, which had at the weekend declared the administration of President Buhari a total failure.
The group said it had warned Nigerians that Buhari has nothing to offer to them, adding that the President has failed to tackle insecurity and improve the economy.
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NEF said Buhari-led government appeared helpless in finding solutions to the numerous challenges the country is faced with
The Northern youths added, “The above-named coalition wishes to make its position clear regarding the insecurity problem that has been ravaging Nigeria particularly the Northern part for long.
“We, as a coalition that represents millions of youths from various nooks and crannies of Northern Nigeria, are pained by the insecurity problem that threatens to consume our region, the North.
“It is a glaring fact that security situation of Nigeria is seriously deteriorating and our agony as victims is aggravating.This lingering insecurity problem is one of the major reasons that made us to clamour for change and voted Goodluck Jonathan out in 2015.
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“But instead of getting panacea for the problem, we just got respite and now the problem has been resurfacing with escalating dimension under the watch of someone that vowed to be our saviour.”
The group noted that is almost five years now and the country under the watch of Buhari is either worse than the Jonathan administration or it is no different from the previous government despite the fact that in his first term, “Buhari pledged that his government would bring an end to the national suffering inflicted by insecurity.”
“Our stance as youths and backbone for the nation is that we grow tired of excuses while our lives are being taken on an hourly basis.
“We cannot continue watching while our region is being turned to ashes and cemetery.
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“We cannot keep mute while our future is being punctured and fractured due to the carelessness and negligence of those that are entrusted with our protection.
“Our investigation revealed that about 80% of the victims of this insecurity are Nigerian youths particularly Northerners considering the fact that the kidnapped and the kidnappers are mostly youths, the killed and the killers are mostly youths, the soldiers on the warfront and the terrorists are mostly youths also.
“It is on reliable and available records that not less than 245 persons were killed in violent attacks across Nigerian January 2020 only.
“The Expat Insider Survey of 2019 by Inter Nations has revealed that Nigeria is the third most dangerous country in the world due to widespread insecurity and corruption.
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“The aforementioned facts have irrefutably shown that Muhammadu Buhari as President of Nigeria has woefully failed to secure the lives of Nigerians due to probably lack of will, commitment or competence.
“If we did not forget, when Nigeria was boiling under Jonathan with Boko Haram massacring thousands and over running-military barracks, almost all Nigerians believed Jonathan was not fit to rescue Nigeria and was voted out.
“Now that the same insecurity problem is replaying itself under President Muhammadu Buhari, we are left with no option than to respectfully but vehemently call on President Muhammadu Buhari to honorably resign to give room for someone who has what it takes to address the security problem that constantly turns our nation to another version of Somalia.

“The above call is made in the best interest of the nation having considered the fact that insecurity problem is caused and maintained by nothing but the failure of leadership.”

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