Ihedioha’s Removal: Ex Gov. Udenwa Breaks Silence

Former Governor of Imo state, Chief Achike Udenwa has broken from silence to speak on the Supreme Court removal of Rt Hon Emeka Ihedioha.

Udenwa was one of the leaders who strongly backed Ihedioha for the 2019 governorship election and didn’t fail to give him support while he was governor of Imo State in the past seven months.

While some party leaders of the PDP are yet to come out of the shock of the Supreme Court verdict, Udenwa has managed to speak on the matter.

In an interview with reporters, the former governor from Orlu zone said “I am a law abiding citizen and I cannot say that the Supreme court, after their judgment and review that their pronouncement would not hold. I accept it completely but I do not agree with it”

On Buhari continuous borrowing: “There is nothing wrong in borrowing but at the same time, you must be very careful with borrowing. Once you enter that trap, it is difficult to come out of it. We had the issue of debt in Nigeria where a lot was borrowed.
You recall the Paris club borrowing and all that. At the end, it took us a lot of time to come out of it. Then I was the governor of Imo state and the state was one of the most highly indebted states in Nigeria then.

Read Also: Imo: See Why Supreme Court Reject To Return Ihedioha As Governor(Opens in a new browser tab)

A lot was borrowed in the past but I refused to borrow one Joni while I was the governor because I knew that you must pay for it in the future. So, we must be very careful about what we are borrowing for. I do not see why we should borrow at this point when our economy is dwindling and our industries are not working”.

On restructuring: “Unless we restructure the country, the presidency has no meaning to me. Let every part of this country have enough powers in the constitution to take care of itself and contribute to the up keep of the country. I am not excited about whether the presidency is coming to the East or not”

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