Freshminds head of tech buries father, choice arukwe

Freshminds Head Of Tech, Bids Father Farewell In Solemn Ceremony 

by AnaedoOnline


Today, the Head of Tech Freshminds Groups buries the father in a grand but respectable manner. In a solemn funeral ceremony, Cyril Nwanneakolam Arukwe was committed to the hands of the almighty God and into mother earth today 14th March 2020.

“Asi na anyi di ndu, o bu n’ebe onyenwe anyi no k’anyi di ndu.”

Legacies are all we have left when we depart this earth, Mr. Arukwè lived an exemplary and fulfilling life shown by the outpour of family, friends, neighbours, well-wishers who came in their numbers to pay their last respect to a great man of peace and love.

Sentences and Procession MHB 216 of the Methodist Church began the solemn procession of events preceding a heart-melting rendition by the All saints Methodist choir, wishing one of their own rest in the lord.


His last born Choice Izuchukwu Arukwe, The Head Of Tech Freshminds Group started reading his father’s biography with heaviness in his heart, daughter Ulunma Henry continued with reading her father’s marriage and family life, his Christian life was read by Esv Chibuzor Arukwe, social life was read by his first son Bishop. His baby girl, Chinemerem Harmony Iwunwa admits tears, narrated the chronicles of her father’s death.

READ ALSO: Freshminds Head of Tech, Choice Arukwe Buries Dad.

Mrs. Ihuoma Arukwe recalled her 40 years of marriage, emphasizing her husband is the best, he apologizes when wrong, allowed her and her children freedom of worship in Assemblies of God Church, while he continued at Methodist Church. She consoled all wailing, reminding them, her husband was a man of God and his faith has taken him to a better place.

His inlaws led by Chijioke Umunagbu(Brother in law) rendered a hymn- Oh Bulalah, sweet bulalah…., he said CY is more of a brother than an inlaw and a LOVE MILLIONAIRE whose love for people is unquantifiable.

Dee Ako’s colleagues from Abia Broadcasting Station and his fellowship members from Methodist Men’s fellowship Umuawa Alike Umuahia poured their grief on the loss of a colleague and a brother, a faithful steward for 6 years.

Preceding a thought-provoking sermon by Rev. C.J Iroegbu, sympathisers chorused “o di nma, o di nma ×2 odiri obi m nma” as a reminder that no matter the grief, it is well with our soul. Continuing the sermon, Rev. Iroegbu re-emphasized the need to put trust in God no matter what, “there are so many fake gods, but there is only one true God”

Assemblies of God church Ministers, Methodist Church Priests graced the ceremony In their numbers to support their own.


A man of faith, a man of peace, a loving father, a brother and a friend was committed to mother earth in his hometown Umuyota Umuawa Alaike Umuahia North LGA, Abia state. May God grant his family the fortitude to bear his loss.
Freshminds head of Tech choice arukwe buries father

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