7 Core Phone Hacks For Long-lasting Battery Charge

by AnaedoOnline

The mobile phone is a man’s best friend. The man in that context is both “Male and Female.” Over the years, we have seen phones evolve from mere cellular to mobile and brands like Trium and Sagem that were popular early 2000s are relatively nowhere now.

As the craving for the long-lasting battery to enjoy amazing features from phones of this generation is becoming man’s greatest need, I introduce you to 7 core phone hacks that will make your battery last longer. Below are the hacks;

  • Your phone charge lasts longer with NEPA light (Or any name you call it) than your generator, power bank or inverter.
  • Your phone battery runs down faster when the weather is hot or the phone itself is hot. If you happen to notice the same or be in that condition, turn off your phone if need be.
  • Streaming videos make your phone charge go down very fast. Try stream when you are charging or when you have a full battery.
  • Low or poor network also kills the battery faster. When there is a poor network, your phone service spot keeps looking for how to connect and the more it happens, your charge drains.
  • Always use “earphones” to listen to music or watch videos. Earphone helps conserve your charge. When you use your phone speaker, it drains your charge faster.
  • Always go for “turbochargers” or try as much as you can to maintain your original charger. Turbo/fast chargers help power your phone fast and sharp, same as your follow come chargers except it is weak.
    Amazon chargers are the best turbochargers in the market now. (I recommend)
  • Power bank kills your battery lifespan. I am not advising against its use but power bank reduces the strength of your battery and also lessens Its lifespan. Some are fond of charging their power banks instead of their phones, maybe cos they have only one charger. It’s not advisable though.

Read Also: Five Nigerian Made Apps You Don’t Know About(Opens in a new browser tab)


I hope the 7 phone hacks above help improve your phone battery life and also help change some wrong narratives about phone charging and chargers.

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