Lifestyles That Can Reduce The Risk Of Prostrate Problems

Prostrate sounds scary, no man in his 50’s and above wants to hear anything about prostrate, a disease that can affect the one organ men cherish the most.

Prostate however is a walnut-sized reproductive gland situated between the bladder and penis.

The primary function of the prostate gland is to produce fluids that nourishes and protects the sperm, prostate disease or problems occurs when there is a malfunction or an infection on the gland caused by some factors like age, family history, diet, chemical exposure, race, genetic mutation.

It is interesting to note that 25% of men aged 55 years and above have prostrate problems while 50% of men aged 70 years and above are acute sufferers. Unfortunately, there are no early signs of prostate diseases, any man can develop prostate problem hence men in their 50’s and 60’s should always have their prostate checked.

Before you get worked up, understand that there is no absolute techniques to prevent prostate diseases because some prostate disease like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) cannot be prevented by lifestyle, however, good lifestyle will keep your prostrate gland healthy.

The good news is that there are basic lifestyle choices that could reduce the risk of some prostate diseases like prostate cancer.

There are three major forms of prostate problem:

Prostatitis: It is an inflammation of the prostate by bacterial infection or urinary tract infections (UTIs) which responds to antibiotic medications, or chronic non-bacterial prostatitis (CPPS) resulting from past bacterial prostatitis infection, chemical irritants, sexual abuse, the problem with urinary tract nerves or pelvic floor muscles and is more difficult to treat. 50% of men will treat prostatitis in their lifetime.

Prevention: There is no proven way to prevent inflammation of the prostate gland but some lifestyle can maintain a healthy prostate.

Hygiene: ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’; it is also next to healthy living. Keeping your penis and areas around your penis clean can prevent some infection.

Healthy eating and hydration: Eating right is living right, the higher the nutrients, the healthier. Some inflammation in the prostate is caused by UTIs that invades the prostate; keeping hydrated dilutes urine and flushes out infections.

Exercise and posture: Exercise not only maintains body weight but keeps you fit. Patients with prostatitis reveal that working out relieves symptoms, at least brisk walk 3 times a week. Sitting for a long period of time pressures and inflames the prostate with time, avoid sitting for a long period of time.

Manage stress and practice safe sex to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

This prostate condition is also known as non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, is not life-threatening but can affect life quality significantly and is associated with an advance in age, family history and ethnicity (more common in blacks and whites than Asians).

It also does not affect sexual activities; however, its symptoms can be discouraging and embarrassing. It is characterized by frequent urination, incomplete emptying of the bladder, difficulty starting urine and weak urine system.

50% of men between 50-60yrs develop BPH and by 80yrs and above, 90% of men develop BPH.

Prevention: Lifestyle can’t prevent BPH, however, reduction in caffeine and alcohol intake, reduction of fluid intake especially before going to bed, pee when you feel the urge and not hold it, and exercise regularly to keep fit cause obesity increases risk.

Diabetes, blood flow conditions, heart diseases, erectile dysfunction and some beta-blockers used to treat high BP and migraines can raise the odds and risks of BPH

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer and the second most fatal cancer in men after cancer of the lungs. However, prostate cancer growth is relatively slow that most prostate cancer patients die from other causes rather than from it.

Causes of prostate cancer are not discovered yet but can be influenced by family history and age advancement. Prostate cancer is characterized by, painful urination, difficulty in urine, blood in urine or bleeding from the urethra.

Prevention: There is no proven cause or prevention of prostate but men at higher risk are advised to make healthy choices in their overall health to reduce risks irrespective of conflicting results.

Eat healthily: Men who have a family history of prostate cancer or men advanced in age should eat a low-fat diet, reduce the amount of daily dairy intake, increase the amount of whole grains, veggies and fruits intake (fruits and veggies are rich in vitamins thought to reduce risks)

Maintain a healthy weight: Obsessed men who have body mass index (BMI) above 30 have higher risks, hence it’s important to reduce calorie intake and work on losing weight
Healthy lifestyle: Exercise can help maintain and lose weight.

Men who exercise reduce risks of cardiac diseases and other cancers, at least 30mins of exercise most days of the weak. Men with higher risk are also advised to quit smoking for a healthier life.

Read Also: 15 Foods That Are Killing You Slowly, Number Four Will Shock You(Opens in a new browser tab)

Finally, as men advance in age, they are expected to always visit the hospital for regular check-up with your doctor to dictate the early stage of any prostate problem. # Prostrate

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