Coronavirus: Why Women Are Less Likely To Die Of Virus

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the world and with the growing trends, one thing is evident and that is, women are less likely to die from COVID-19.

If you have been following the news and trends with rapt attention, most deaths that have occurred have been majorly from the male gender.

Not only are the elderly and those with underlying health conditions at risk, but now research has shown that men are more likely to die from the virus than women.

Recall that a Nigerian female activist and founder of Stand To End Rape (STER) Ayodeji Osowobi recently revealed how she survived Coronavirus after testing positive on two occasions.

READ ALSO: About 240,000 Americans Might Die From Coronavirus – White House

There have also been cases global of survivors of the deadly virus tilting more towards the female folk.

All the death cases of Nigerians both home and abroad have, however, been men.

According to recent data and statistics, countries like Spain, China, France, and Italy have more percentage of men dying than women.

In Italy, 71% of the deaths were men while deaths from China had 64% men, 36% women. Spain has had twice as many male deaths as women.

Let’s highlight a few of the factors that determine this.

1.Lifestyle behaviour factor

For the records, men generally are carefree beings, therefore they are less likely to wash their hands multiple times or use a sanitizer. They also may not seek help on time when the symptoms appear, unlike a woman who is usually self-conscious of her health.

Also, the risky lifestyle choices of smoking and drinking among men leave them with a weakened immune system and more at risk of contracting and dying from the disease.

They are also more at risk of getting cardiovascular and pulmonary disease than women.

2. Hormonal Factor

Oestrogen ( the primary sex hormone in women) also plays a huge role in the high increase of recovery and antiviral responses in women compared to men who have lower innate antiviral responses.

READ ALSO: COVID-19: Africa Records 5,013 Confirmed Cases, 157 Deaths – WHO

3. Genetics factor

Another factor is genetics which may be connected to the fact that women have two X chromosomes, unlike a man who has just one.

X Chromosomes contain immunity-related genes that regulate immune system function. According to studies, a woman has a better immune response to viruses and infections compared to a man.

Despite all these factors, prevention is definitely better than cure, better safe than sorry. The best advice is to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and practice social distancing.

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