22-Year-Old Man Cuts Off Wife’s Hand With Cutlass

A 22-year-old man has been arrested for cutting off the hand of his wife with a cutlass in Yobe state.

Men of the Yobe state Police command have arrested the man identified as Baari Bacha after he reportedly cut off the hand of his wife, Halima Bulama for disobeying his orders not to attend a friend’s ceremony in Damaturu.

READ ALSO: Nigerian lady monitors her panties with a cutlass while sun drying them (Photos)(Opens in a new browser tab)

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of Yobe state Command, Dungus Abdulkarim, confirmed the arrest of Bacha, stating that the culprit became angry after a heated argument ensued with his wife, and then used a cutlass to commit the act.

The PPRO also disclosed that the victim is currently receiving treatment in the hospital and the suspect will be charged to court after investigation is completed.

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