
“Hunger Killing More Than Coronavirus” Imo Traders Defy Lockdown Order

by AnaedoOnline

Traders in Imo State have cried out over the extension of COVID-19 lockdown, accusing the state government of suffocating them to death.

It was reported that some traders in the state, despite repeated government order, have turned deaf ears and have continued to go about their daily businesses.

Our state correspondent who visited some of the markets, including Nkwo-orji, Amakohia market, Eke-atta market, among others, reported that business transactions went on uninterrupted.

It would be recalled that the state Governor, Senator Hope Uzodinma, a few days ago, imposed a dusk to dawn curfew on the state, which has so far recorded a little success.

Reports have it that the 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew has been heavily criticized by traders and other business people in the state.


READ ALSO: COVID-19: NCDC DG Visits Facilities In Imo, Calls For More Tests

A petty-trader in Eke-atta market who pleaded anonymity said that until the government provides sufficient palliative for them, they will continue to go to the market for their daily bread.

“We have heard the news that the government is distributing relief materials to people; we did not receive one packet of indomie.”

“The government just selected some people and gave them 20,000 each as we heard; they did not remember us. Let them allow us to sell our wares in order to provide for our families.”

She lamented that hunger was killing the people more than the Coronavirus, appealing to the government to be lenient in some of its policies.

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